
The New Skirmisher Art is out!

9 years, By: Orangee

Scrolldiers new design: Update #2

10 years, By: Orangee


Hello once again my fellow scrolldiers,


I have started with some basic design. At first I thought I was going to have a lighter design on the page, but after further thinking I decided dark is best. Purple this time - the color of Decay. Maybe we can make four different color themes for the new Scrolldier: one for each faction. But, for now, purple will be the main color. Maybe I will change it later.


Deck images were a nice suggestion. Now everyone will be able to add some art to their decks to give it a nice touch. If you don't choose any art you will have one automatically assigned for you if your deck goes to the front page. That's all for now, I'll keep updating here as more news comes in.

Changes to Scrolldier: Update #1

10 years, By: Orangee

Hello again!


I got a lot of positive feedback on this change, and i think most people liked the direction it's going.  It is decided. Scrolldier will change, to be the best deck page for the best TCG game out there! 


So now, in the early stage of development, we need ideas, I want to develop the page with the players so everything will be at its best. I have made some sketches of basic UI, and written down some initial ideas. Please shout at me if you have a idea that you think is better or have a concept for a new feature. Remember, no ideas are bad, all input is good! Whatever thoughts you have, come with it!





Overall Design

  • I kinda want a light design, modern smoky white maybe.
  • Responsive for easy use on tablets and phones


Back End

  • Needs to be easy to add stuff.
  • Use 1-2 hours and make good folder structure


  • Assign Art to a deck, as header/ A visualisation of the deck
  • Graphical Statistics
  • Other statistics, like Traits and Scroll Types. 
  • Rating decks by 1 to 5 stars instead of up/down voting. or should we still have a up/down vote system? what would be best...
  • Clickable scrolls to see more specific details about the scroll.
  • Able to send to deck to the beckbuiler to remake it. or just import a newer version from in-game
  • Comments
  • Favorite/Star a deck to save it for later
  • Export: Plain Text or In-Game JSON format.
  • Export as a image. where the user can specify what they want on the exported image, like Deck Name, By whom, small version, big version. 
  • Deck Curve


Deck Lists:

  • Search
    • Search by Scroll
    • By faction
    • No need to have text
    • Top decks are only from the latest patch and generated with a cool algorithm. Depending on the rating system.
  • Sort however you want, by all columns.
  • Possible have a column with how much the deck costs if you buy scrolls individually in the current market


Deck/Game Guides

  • Everyone should be able to submit guides.
  • We need someone (or several someones) who can approve and verify the quality of guides
    • This can be quite a bit of work though... So I need to 'hire' someone(s) to help me here... for free... any takers?
  • Visualization of the deck on the guide page.


Scroll library

  • I Think the Scrolls Library we have now on Scrolldier is pretty good, so that will be reused and optimized. 



These are just some basic ideas, I would love if you (the players) would help me develop this, and turn it into something the community will find invaluable.


Changes to Scrolldier

10 years, By: Orangee

Hello everyone,


I (Orangee) have bean thinking a bit, as Scrolldier is now, its the decks that has a main focus. But I want the decks to be even more in focus. The current backend on scrolldier is not good at all, the fronend is, eh yea... not very appeling, something look good, other stuff look out of place, and some page has a total different design... So I propose to you (the user) this; What if I remake Scrolldier to be a site only about dekcs?


Better deck functionality. Much better search. Be able to search on a specific scroll then get all the decks that have that scroll in it. Make deck collections (For example all the precons in a collection), etc. 


A front page were you can see all top decks for each faction, Deck guids. Maybe even a weekly meta post.


So, before i go ahead and start to think more about this. Would you the users like to be something like this?

This also means that the guilds will dissapear, maybe badges will be gone, and profile pages will be gone. 


I want to develop this with you, setting up a beta page where you all can go and see progress, comment and come with suggestions, to how the site can be the best for everyone to use, both UI (How the page is designed) and UX (User Experience)



EDIT: The guild function will be rebuilt by me and kbasten on ScrollsGuide


Something Missing on Scrolldier?

Submit a Suggestion here!

Add a new deck!

Top 5 decks at the moment

1. Late Game Growth

50 11
26 Creatures - 6 Structurs - 18 Spells

2. Structure Energy

50 10
5 Creatures - 21 Structurs - 21 Spells - 3 Enchantments

3. Undead YOLO Decay

50 10
27 Creatures - 3 Structurs - 6 Spells - 14 Enchantments

4. [DO] Control

50 8
21 Creatures - 2 Structurs - 24 Spells - 3 Enchantments

5. Yolo Undead

50 8
34 Creatures - 3 Structurs - 11 Spells - 2 Enchantments

Last Fan made scroll